the story behind yoniheaven
From Tibetan Buddhism to pleasure ...
"Before I became a Buddhist in 1997 I practiced Tantra intensively, the Tantra training with Carla Verberk (Center for Tantra and Intimacy in Amsterdam) was my first spiritual home. It changed me and opened me unconditionally to my own experience at any time. Tantra- training with Carla and her team was an initiation for me. " says Anna, creator and initiator of the yoni pillow.
The invention of this cushion stems from 20 years of meditating in the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and many long multi-week silent retreats in the Kagyu lineage. Tibetan Buddhism strives to enable the most ethical form of human existence by training virtues as compassion and residing in the higher consciousness beyond personal identifications. The authenticity in my monastery made me feel at home. As is well known, Tibetan Buddhism is often squeamish, does not know much about sexual energy and still excludes women from the most deep, secret teachings. That started to wring. In the middle of a long silent retreat 15 years ago in Samye Ling in Scotland, the idea for a heated meditation cushion was born. The spontaneous shame that immediately surfaced after the grand idea was stronger and lasted 15 years. Dr. Mukwege, who won the Nobel Prize in 2018 with his special work and wisdom won Anna over. Beyond shame she could bring this cushion into production.
Anna Spohr
With this invention of the Yoni pillow, Anna brings two worlds together, Tantra and Buddhism. According to her, the intention is to meditate with your whole being and body. Every woman can heal herself because the pillow with its warmth invites the woman to be present with awareness and attention in the most sacred part of the female body, the yoni. This restores the relationship with the yoni with respect and joy.
Anna is a pioneer, both in her work and in the way she shapes her life. She worked as a documentary maker for 17 years and was the first to give young people a camera in their own hands. She left with a group of rappers and break dancers from NL to the Bronx NY when hip-hop was not yet a main stream to investigate Hiphop's 'roots' personally and visually. After this she received a structural subsidy for 8 years for her foundation AllAboutUs-filmfactory. This phase ended with the writing of a book "Making films, youth and anti-chaos recipes"
In 2011, after a burnout, Anna said goodbye to her work as a documentary filmmaker. "That burnout has done me good. Since then I have cleaned up my life," cleared up ", moved from a large house to a tiny house and helped build the first eco-village in the Netherlands, eco-village Bergen, for 5 years. "
Anna has been working as a mindfulness trainer, ACT coach and youth coach since 2012 and recently as a Yonihealer.
Anna helps women to appreciate their fertility-organs and hip-area so that it makes them happy and energized. She delivers yonihealing in groups, at gatherings, healing festivals as well as individually.
afl 2 'ilona droomt een nieuwe wereld' met Hans Reijnen & Anna Spohr
'ilona droomt een nieuwe wereld' met Hans Reijnen, pionier, arts en homeopaat, wegbereider van vitamine B 12 als geneesmiddel & Anna Spohr, pionier en filmmaker, bedenker van en daarmee voorstander van een authentieke, vrouwelijke spiritualiteit, die genot omarmt en als versterkend ziet voor het spiritueel dagelijks huiswerk.
'ilona droomt een nieuwe wereld' is een youtube-kanaal, die poezie van de filmtaal en informatieve nieuwe tijds kennis met elkaar harmonieus wil combineren. zie meer info op youtube.